The following Steps describes you how to

  • Go to the Sales Part of Billing.
  • Then, click on Customers which leads you to new page as shown.
  • In this page, list of existing customers can be seen or one can filter out particular customer by selecting group and searching clients name.
  • Click on button to filter it.
  • Selected Customers details can be imported by clicking on button.
  • Selected Customers can be deleted by clicking on button.
  • New Customers can be created by clicking on button.
  • It leads you to new page as shown in figure below.
  • One need to fill up the required input fields and must select the customer group.
  • After filling up the required field to create it click on button else cancel.
  • To view, edit or delete the customer go to action part of that particular customer then click on them respectively.
  • You’ll get pdf form of balance confirmation and can view accounting ledgers clicking on them respectively.
  • Deposit & Transaction can be added by clicking on deposit & transaction on action and click on add transaction.
  • One must tick the enable.
  • Fill up every required input fields and then click on Create to create else Cancel.

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