The following Steps describes you how to create Internal Requisition and Approve it.
Go to Inv Transaction of Inventory Section.
Then, clicking on Internal Requisition leads you to new page as shown below.
Here, we have the list of existing Internal requisition which can be edited by clicking on button where requisition can be approved by clicking on approve.
Clicking on approve leads you to new page as shown in figure below.
Select the items, items on stock will be shown and you can add quantity as required.
Select Unit, Date Required by and Reason.
Here, you can add more items by clicking on and items can be deleted by clicking on then click on to approve else Cancel.
To create new Internal requisition, click on which leads you to this page as shown in figure below.
Select the items, items on stock will be shown and you can add quantity as required.
Select Unit, Date Required by and Reason.
Here, you can add more items by clicking on and items can be deleted by clicking on button.
Give your remarks on Remarks Textbox.
One can create new items within this page by clicking on which leads you to new page as shown in figure below.
Fill up every required input fields i.e. (*)
And give notes, product summary and product details by clicking on those textboxes.
Tick all the requirements like taxable, trackable and so on.
One must tick the enabled.
After filling, click on to create else Cancel.
After filling, click on to save else Cancel.
To Edit click on it leads you to new page as shown in figure below.
Edit the items, items on stock will be shown and you can add quantity as required.
Edit Unit, Date Required by and Reason.
Here, you can add more items by clicking on and items can be deleted by clicking on button.