The following Steps describes you how to Create, Edit or Delete Purchase Bills.
To Create Purchase Bills, click on [+ Create New Bills] button.
Which leads you to new page.
Where one need to Fill up the required input field.
To delete the Product from Purchase list click on delete button.
To add more items, click on [+ Add Products Item] button.
If you pay immediately to the supplier, then tick on the mark as paid option where you have to select ledger in which Payment type you have paid.
And if you do not pay them then directly save purchase by clicking on Save Purchase button.
Purchase Bills List can be Exported in both Excel and Pdf form by clicking on Excel and Pdf button.
One Can Directly Filter the Purchase Bills of Particular Supplier by Choosing the Supplier name on Select Supplier Box and then Clicking filter button.
And Start Date and End Date are given so that a person can easily find the Data within the selected date.
Select Purchase Status i.e. whether the Orders Are Placed, Parked or Received.
Pay status is shown pending if you didn’t pay the amount and paid if you already paid.
And status can be changed by clicking on button on action column which leads you to new page for payment.
By Selecting Voucher which is in blue color, we can see the voucher.
To edit, delete, and download by clicking on their buttons respectively.
And by Clicking on Supplier we lead to the bill page which shows every details of bills.
Can send e-mail, edit, print, and can get in Pdf format by clicking on their respective buttons.
Total Amount, Paid Amount and Remaining Amount Are Shown in Total, Paid and Balance Columns.
Purchase Bills can be edit, delete and print by clicking on their respective buttons.