The following Steps describes you how to Create, Edit or Delete Purchase Bills.

  • To Create Purchase Bills, click on [+ Create New Bills] button.
  • Which leads you to new page.
  • Where one need to Fill up the required input field.
  • To delete the Product from Purchase list click on delete button.
  • To add more items, click on [+ Add Products Item] button.
  • If you pay immediately to the supplier, then tick on the mark as paid option where you have to select ledger in which Payment type you have paid.
  • And if you do not pay them then directly save purchase by clicking on Save Purchase button.
  • Purchase Bills List can be Exported in both Excel and Pdf form by clicking on Excel and Pdf button.
  • One Can Directly Filter the Purchase Bills of Particular Supplier by Choosing the Supplier name on Select Supplier Box and then Clicking filter button.
  • And Start Date and End Date are given so that a person can easily find the Data within the selected date.
  • Select Purchase Status i.e. whether the Orders Are Placed, Parked or Received.
  • Pay status is shown pending if you didn’t pay the amount and paid if you already paid.
  • And status can be changed by clicking on button on action column which leads you to new page for payment.
  • By Selecting Voucher which is in blue color, we can see the voucher.
  • To edit, delete, and download by clicking on their buttons respectively.
  • And by Clicking on Supplier we lead to the bill page which shows every details of bills.
  • Can send e-mail, edit, print, and can get in Pdf format by clicking on their respective buttons.
  • Total Amount, Paid Amount and Remaining Amount Are Shown in Total, Paid and Balance Columns.
  • Purchase Bills can be edit, delete and print by clicking on their respective buttons.




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